As an AmeriCorps VISTA member, you may be eligible to participate in the AmeriCorps VISTA Health Benefit Plan if you do not have other insurance coverage such as an individual or group plan, Medicare, Medicaid, or Military benefits. Please note: coverage afforded to you under certain government sponsored programs or acts – such as those provided to individuals who are in a U.S. Territory or who are part of a federally-recognized tribe – may not disqualify you for coverage under the Health Benefit Plan. For more information on ACA-compliant insurance plans, please visit
The AmeriCorps VISTA Health Benefit Plan is a self-funded health benefit plan created by AmeriCorps and is paid for with funds appropriated by Congress for AmeriCorps. This is a limited healthcare plan administered by International Medical Group, Inc. (IMG®); this is not an insurance policy.
The AmeriCorps VISTA Health Benefit Plan provides you with 24-hour healthcare coverage as soon as you enroll into the plan online or via the paper enrollment form, and will terminate automatically on the date your AmeriCorps VISTA service ends or the date that other healthcare coverage becomes effective.
If you enroll in an ACA-compliant insurance plan or determine that you are eligible for other coverage during your term of service, you must notify IMG Customer Care immediately.
International Medical Group (IMG) provides all general administration and oversight of all the healthcare services including Enrollment, Customer Service, Claims Payment, Financial Management, Utilization Management, Preferred Provider Network (PPO) accessibility through The First Health Network and Pharmacy Services through Universal RX. Please open and review all information sent to you from IMG, First Health or Universal RX.